Rider: Chris Cory
Hometown: Acton, Ca.
Age: 38
Started Riding in: 1979
Desert Class: Quad
Bike Make and Size: Kawasaki KFX450R
Family: Staci, Danielle and Nate
Funniest race moment: The time I thought I was a Hollywood stunt man. Seeing a HUGE bolder through the dust in front of me. I laid my bike down and did a long slide right into the bolder putting a hole in the bottom of my skid plate. Got up without a scratch and keep going. Wait was the funniest or scariest?
What you like about the Viewfinders: The Viewfinders are the BEST group of people you could want to be a part of. There is something about this group that makes you feel like you are part of something special. Even after taking a long brake from the desert, they all had open arms with my return.
Racing Accomplishments: Well my last one was racing my quad for the first time mixed with taking a 12 year brake from racing and getting a 2nd place in my class. To make it even better, I had arms made of Jello and was only riding half as fast as my brain wanted to! Can't wait to get back in shape again.
Your ultimate goal in racing: My ultimate goal is to NOT GET HURT while chasing down that #1 T plate. It can happen.
Other Info: If you want to be apart of something special, come check us out. Viewfinders bleed GOLDENROD!